Sunday, April 19, 2009

Simon Cowell... get a life!!!

Do you love to see the underdog get the upper hand?

Here's a tremendously beautiful opportunity for a lady who has very simple wants.. and a very strong voice, a tremendous God-given talent, and now, a phenomenal following. You have to see this to check out this lady's amazing voice.

Caution: it might bring you to tears! Click on the title of my post to hear this remarkable, angelic, symphonic voice.. and then pay close attention to Simon Cowell's reaction. But then also notice everyone to their feet... except the arrogant Simon! This is a quick view, but worth every single minute. I promise!

Would I love to have that talent! You betcha! Elaine Page, move over for the next star.

So, what do you think of Susan Boyle? I would love to hear what you think.


Katy Myhre said...

Ms. Boyle's voice is unreal! Very beautiful voice!

Sue McGettigan said...

I think Susan's fabulous, and quite a character too! Have you seen the young boy from Wales who's making waves too? Lots of talent there!

Brandi said...

I love Susan Boyle! She is an inspiration!

Favorite Quotes

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". - Maya Angelou

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